DINE ON DANCE: 14th Annual Lunchtime Performances

Karlovsky & Company Dance hosts the 14th Annual DINE ON DANCE Lunchtime Performances.  These FREE outdoor performances feature site-specific dance by local choreographers R. Vance Baldwin, Alice Bloch, Ashley Tate, Dawn Karlovsky, and Marie Christine Dal Farra (France) with live musical accompaniment by Rick Kramer and Tory Z Starbuck.

Since 2004, Dine on Dance has been bringing dance performance and live music to the St. Louis community with contemporary and original dance created for specific outdoor locations.  Each choreographer contributes to the uniqueness of the program developing original work and exploring inventive ways to choreograph in the outdoor venues. These dances take place on the benches and stairs, in the grass, and around the fountains!

These performances are FREE and Family Friendly!  Brown bag or purchase a lunch from the local restaurants on location!  Seating will be available, but audiences are welcome to move about the space for better viewing.

Event Properties

Event Date 09-21-2017 12:00 pm
Event End Date 09-21-2017 1:00 pm
Location Old Post Office Plaza